Extremely goofy skateboarding
Extremely goofy skateboarding

When he wants something, he will try the diplomatic approach first, being an incredibly smooth talker able to butter up those he wishes to manipulate to his whim. Few know of his true behavior, as he has garnered much popularity and respect over the course of his college career, recognized by all on campus as a sports celebrity.

extremely goofy skateboarding

Nonetheless, he also has the cunning wits and manipulative skills to keep everything and himself in check.

extremely goofy skateboarding

He is also an underhanded cheater, sabotaging his opponents' equipment both before and during sporting events. Though his outward appearance presents an air of charm, charisma, and sophistication, Bradley's true nature is best described as self-centered, vain, rude, egotistical, and extremely arrogant, considering only himself a winner while viewing everyone else as losers. He accepts only the most skilled competitors for his team, excluding all others whom he dubs "clowns" or "losers". He is a selfish athlete, as he cares only for his own victory, no matter who gets left behind (or possibly even killed) in his drive to win. He is the leader of the Gamma Mu Mu school fraternity at the State college, and the five-time College X-Games "king".

extremely goofy skateboarding

Max, being called "Brad", anyone quitting the Gammas Bradley Uppercrust III is the main antagonist of An Extremely Goofy Movie.

Extremely goofy skateboarding