Fallout new vegas fps mods
Fallout new vegas fps mods

fallout new vegas fps mods fallout new vegas fps mods

The frustrating thing is, it doesn’t have to be this way- previous games in the series did this sort of thing just fine, and there was no reason for Fallout 4 to go off the, er, shallow end. The game’s dialog system is the perfect example of this, as is the leveling system, which places emphasis on a shallow, perks driven progression tree. Set Fallout4Perfs.ini: iPresentInterval=1 to =0.Look, I’m sorry, I know it has its fans, but Fallout 4 is not a good game- it’s an average game, at best, and it’s rife with some baffling design decisions, products of a misguided emphasis on streamlining that take away any semblance of nuance or depth the game should have had, and replace it with brain dead systems in their wake.

fallout new vegas fps mods

Set Fallout.ini: iPresentInterval=1 to =0.ini File Editing, to disable in-game V-Sync and FPS limiter: Before you do though, make sure you have the Fallout 4 Script Extender (F4SE) installed – it’s required to play at framerates beyond 60fps. This can have some pretty major effects including general performance degradation, FPS limits and gameplay stuttering. Gamers have reported particular trouble running the game when using a G-Sync display, reportedly because Fallout 4 has an in-game V-Sync & Frame Rate limiter. This isn’t a performance mod per se, but an important footnote if you’re looking to increase performance and are working with an Nvidia graphics card. It just goes to show, significantly higher performance often doesn’t have to be always at the cost of fidelity. optimizes and improves over six thousand distant terrain textures spanning the entire Commonwealth, offering significantly lower stuttering and amazingly better looking textures. If you’re searching for an all-around boost to performance while simultaneously freshening up your game, look no further than SparrowPrince’s F.A.R.

Fallout new vegas fps mods