HOW DO ELO DECAY DEMOTIONS WORK?ĭemotions are based on your LP and are influenced by your MMR. If you are being demoted from Master tier to Diamond I, the LP you are set with may vary even more. If you are demoted out of a division or tier your LP will be set 25 or 75 LP, depending on your MMR at the time of demotion. :)Įlo Decay does not occur for players in Bronze, Silver, and Gold. Tl dr: don’t take a break from ranked for too long.

If you’re already in division V of your tier, you’ll fall into the next tier down (for example, Platinum V to Gold I.). If you fall at or below zero LP as a result of decay, you’ll be placed into the next lowest division. The number of LP lost following each period of elo decay is shown below: In the Master and Challenger tier, players will decay after becoming inactive for 10 days this is to ensure only the top active players are being showcased. Every seven days thereafter, you’ll lose LP until you play a match in that queue. You will also lose LP depending on your current tier. First, you’ll be hidden from the standings in your league. If you are in Platinum or Diamond, after 28 days of inactivity in a particular ranked queue, a couple things will happen. Promotions Series will end after 28 days (even if you play games within 28 days)Įach tier (except Challenger and Master) contains five divisions, each division is numbered using roman numerals in a descending order from V(5) to I(1), with V being the lowest and I being the highest.Įlo Decay and LP Rating WHAT IS LP DECAY?.Match Making Rating doesn’t decay when LP decay / Elo decay occurs.While you’re inactive, you’re hidden from the ladder view for everyone except yourself.The amount of LP that you lose per decay period depends on the tier that you’re in. It decays per the set amount every 7 days afterwards until you play a ranked game. There is also League Points inactivity elo decay over time, by a set amount, if you haven’t played ranked in 28 days or 10 days if you are in Master or Challenger Tier. If you have higher MMR than a set amount for your division you gain more LP per won game and lose less LP per lost game, if your MMR is lower you gain less and lose more LP per game. The exact amount of lost or earned League Points per game depends on your hidden Match Making Rating. (Picture of Silver IV demotion to Silver V) League Point Rating System MMRĮach ranked game you win earns you League Points while each lost one decreases your current LP. Today im going to help you understand how it works in ranked 2015 Season 5. Elo Decay League’s lp rating system explained.